


本網站所載資料及內容均由 Pandafreedom 編製,僅供參考。Pandafreedom 所提供的資料,尤其是關於法律詮釋或問題處理,基於一般情況而非針對個別人士的具體情況,故不應取代專業意見。在依據本網站資料採取行動之前,使用者應尋求獨立的法律或其他專業意見。

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The materials and information provided by pandafreedom on this website are for reference only. Any interpretations of the law or suggested solutions to specific issues are offered generally and do not take your individual circumstances into account. This information should not be considered a substitute for professional advice. We recommend seeking independent legal or other professional guidance before taking action based on the information available on this website.

Pandafreedom shall not be liable for any losses, damages, costs, or expenses, whether directly or indirectly caused, arising from the use or inability to use this website, or from reliance on any information or materials provided here.

While pandafreedom strives to ensure that the information on this website is accurate as of the publication date, it does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information and accepts no liability for any losses, damages, costs, or expenses resulting from any errors or omissions.

Please note that information on websites maintained by other parties, which link to or from this website, is not compiled by pandafreedom. Pandafreedom is not responsible for the content of these external sites and makes no representations regarding the accuracy or completeness of their information. Furthermore, the inclusion of links does not imply endorsement by pandafreedom of those websites.



